Advies Bitvavo : stepn (GMT) Kopen

What is STEPN (GMT)?
GMT is the governance token of STEPN with a limited supply of 6 billion tokens.

When should I buy STEPN (GMT)?
Players buy GMTs to burn in the STEPN app in order to access features provided by STEPN, such as mint high-quality Sneakers, upgrade high-quality Gems and participate governance voting.

What is STEPN?
STEPN is a Web3 lifestyle app with Social-Fi and Game-Fi elements. Users equipped with NFT Sneakers – walk, jog or run outdoors to earn tokens and NFTs. STEPN has a dual-token system, Users can earn GST

Player can choose to lease or trade their NFT Sneakers on the in-app Marketplace; users’ earnings are stored in the in-app Wallet, which has a built-in Swap function.

Who is behind STEPN?
STEPN is created by Find Satoshi Lab, an Australian-based fintech studio. The team won the 2021 Solana Ignition Hackathon Gaming Track and is part of DeFi Alliance Gaming cohort.